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Spaces In-between

In-Between the Problem and the Solution: confused and uncertain.

I am exploring the interval of time that occurs in-between the problem and the solution. It is the time when we analyze our situation, when we imagine a myriad of avenues and evaluate our possible choices. It is a time of uncertainty and confusion. What shall I do? Shall I take this road or that road? What will the consequences be? How can I solve this dilemma? Which way shall I go?


The road we are seeking can be elusive- sometimes we feel we are on the right path but then it may turn out to be only a mirage. But it can also hold wonderful surprises. Before the fog lifts unexpected streaks of sunlight might appear and illuminate areas that had been blurred and confused.


For this reason I have been filming in the manner that resulted in the image splitting itself apart. This is how I visualize confusion and uncertainty.

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